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Components, Tiles, Menu Items, and Others

To register a Blazor component for use in the pilet API, the PiralComponent attribute can be used in two ways:

  1. [PiralComponent], this will register the component using the fully qualified name.
  2. [PiralComponent(<name>)] will register the component using the custom name provided.

To register these components onto the pilet API, a setup.tsx file should be created at the root of your Blazor project.

This file may then, for example to register a tile, look like this:

import { PiletApi } from '../piral~/<project_name>/node_modules/<piral_instance>';

type AddScript = (path: string, attrs?: Record<string, string>) => void;
type AddStyles = (path: string, pos?: 'first' | 'last' | 'before' | ' after') => void;

export default (app: PiletApi, addScript: AddScript, addStyles: AddStyles) => {
	//for a component marked with[PiralComponent("my-tile")]

The addScript function can be used to actually add more scripts, e.g.:

export default (app: PiletApi, addScript: AddScript, addStyles: AddStyles) => {

The first argument is the (relative) path to the RCL script, while the optional second argument provides additional attributes for the script to be added to the DOM.

The addStyles function can be used to add more style sheets, e.g.:

export default (app: PiletApi, addScript: AddScript, addStyles: AddStyles) => {

Important: Non-abstract / exposed components with PiralComponent cannot have a type parameter. As these are directly instantiated from JavaScript there is no way to define the type to be used. As such, you cannot mark components as @[PiralComponent] and @typeparam. If you want to use a generic component, then wrap it (i.e., use a second component declared as a PiralComponent, which only mounts / renders the first component with the desired generic type).

Released under the MIT License.