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Publishing a Micro Frontend

Micro frontends should be published to a discovery service as well as in form of a NuGet package. If you use the Piral Cloud Feed Service you can also just publish them as NuGet package; the discovery service will do the rest for you.

Publishing using the piral-server-server CLI

First, make sure you have the CLI installed. If not, do so using this command:

dotnet tool install --global Piral.Blazor.Cli

This will install the piral-blazor-server tool in the standard binary directory. Now you should be able to use it already.

Now, you can use the publish-microfrontend command:

piral-blazor-server publish-microfrontend --source ./SomeMf --url --key abcdef1234

This would publish the micro frontend contained in the ./SomeMf directory to the myfeed feed of the publicly available community edition of the Piral Cloud Feed Service.

Publishing using the dotnet CLI

Alternatively, either use the nuget or dotnet tool to publish the NuGet package:

dotnet nuget push SomeMf.nupkg --api-key abcdef1234 --source

This works almost exactly the same as the piral-blazor-server tool, however, it expects you to have the build and pack command applied separately / beforehand.

Publishing using Visual Studio

Finally, you can also publish a micro frontend using the Publish NuGet package feature of Visual Studio.

For this to work you need to have configured a special NuGet feed in Visual Studio using the URL and credentials that you've set up for your micro frontends feed in the Piral Cloud Feed Service.

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