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Command Line Tooling

The dotnet tool (CLI) for working with Piral.Blazor.Server-based applications.


To install the tool globally run the following command:

dotnet tool install --global Piral.Blazor.Cli

This will install the piral-blazor-server tool in the standard binary directory. Now you should be able to use it already.


You can invoke the the tool by running the following command:

piral-blazor-server <command>

where <command is one of the following commands:

  • create-emulator
  • prefill-cache
  • publish-microfrontend

The following sections go into details on these commands.

Create Emulator

The command piral-blazor-server create-emulator can be used to create an emulator NuGet package for the current Piral.Blazor server (also referred to as app shell).


piral-blazor-server create-emulator -o dist

Creates an emulator (NuGet package) in the dist directory. The csproj file for the example above is assumed to be in the working directory.

Prefill Cache

The command piral-blazor-server prefill-cache can be used to prefill the cache. This is useful when you want to operate on a static / pre-configured set of micro frontends. Also, it helps to improve the startup performance. Usually, this command would be used in a CI/CD pipeline, i.e., before the server is actually started or run somewhere.


piral-blazor-server prefill-cache --environment Production --source ./App --output ./App/.cache

Prefills the cache using the appsettings.Production.json and appsettings.json files from the App subdirectory of the current working directory. Puts the files in the App/.cache directory.

Publish Micro Frontend

The command piral-blazor-server publish-microfrontend can be used to build and publish a micro frontend. This builds, packs, and publishes the micro frontend as a NuGet package.


piral-blazor-server publish-microfrontend --source ./SomeMf --url --key abcdef1234

Builds, packs, and publishes the project found in the SomeMf directory of the current working directory. Uses the given URL as NuGet feed. The authentication is based on the provided key.

Released under the MIT License.