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Publishing the Emulator

For developing a micro frontend you'll need an emulator. An emulator is just a NuGet package containing a special build of the app shell that you've build for running your micro frontends.

Publishing using the piral-server-server CLI

The command piral-blazor-server create-emulator can be used to create an emulator NuGet package for the current Piral.Blazor server, i.e., the app shell that should be used.


piral-blazor-server create-emulator -o dist

This command creates an emulator NuGet package in the dist directory. The csproj file for the example above is assumed to be in the working directory. The NuGet package can then be published using nuget push or dotnet nuget push.

Publishing using the dotnet CLI

If you want to have full control then using a custom sequence for creating and publishing the emulator might be what you are looking for. For this you'll need the dotnet and the nuget CLI. You will also need to create a custom *.nuspec file.

We start the sequence by producing a release build of your application:

dotnet publish -c Release

This will create the emulator's files in the publish directory (bin/Release/net8.0/publish).

Now create a NuGet config inside the bin/Release/net8.0/publish directory using the following properties:

  • Name of your app shell (or how you want to call the emulator package)
  • Version of your app shell
  • Proper description, author etc. fields

The files should be set to **/*, i.e., take all files of the publish directory and place it in the NuGet package.

You need the nuget command line tooling to run nuget pack without any compilation. If you only have dotnet then this won't work (as dotnet will only run against a csproj, which the publish folder does not have).

Once the *.nupkg file is ready you can publish it to the NuGet feed or your choice.

Released under the MIT License.